If I would be born again !

If I would be born again !
as the 'Nomad',
the 'Hippy'
free of thought, free of boundary
Roaming from land to land
discovering humanity.
If I would be born again
I would come as the 'Baloon Man',
as the 'Toy Seller',
the 'Ice cream Vendor'
selling dreams to the children
gazing at their innocence
sharing happiness,
to take them beyond the sky
into the realm of eternity.
I would come as the 'clown' ,
as the 'Joker',
the 'joer'
Rolling, dandling and dancing
to see the smile in you
transforming all my pain
to movements of utter joy.
I would come as the'Stranger',
as the 'Free Spirit',
the 'Dreamer'
In the midst of a war cry
I would roam,run and wave
my white bandanna
till the collapse of the human ego
turning the rabble into celebrating souls.
I would come as the 'Prophet',
as the ' Saint',
the 'Messenger',
Spreading the message of love
and peace.
Sharing shelter with the needy,
land with the peasant,
solace with the insane.
If I would be born again !
Beautiful thoughts very lucidly presented. Nice post!
Bonjour Cosmic Fakir...
So glad to receive your new poem...
I will edit the first part in the front page of my blog tomorrow...
and the second one monday...
and the third one tuesday :)
Best wishes for you !!!!
इस टिप्पणी को एक ब्लॉग व्यवस्थापक द्वारा हटा दिया गया है.
First, my English is horrible!
Second, happy with its visit in blog
Third, I liked it its work and its texts!
Fourth, it always comes back!
Fifth , I come back to visit blog
Magic Clown !
keep on creating cosmic poems this new year 2007, comming in just 9 days...
And always...
really nice blog you have here. first visit, i'll check back often.
So you want to be born again?
Very interesting work...Good.Good...
hey jibs! great stuff you have here man!
great thoughts n feelings expressed in a beautiful way...
well, you dont have to be born again, you can be all that you dream of right now,in this very life...and all the more so you being an artist and an animator!!
hope to see lots more of your stuff...keep 'em comin ;-)
We want new posts!
We want new posts!
We want new posts!
We want new posts!
When's the new post coming?
I wait that it improves and it returns soon! I find that not only I, but all the other readers are anxious for its return!
thank you guys for ur appreciation......Infact blessed to get u guys on the blog.....life becomes more fun when we share our views and get to know how we percieve the world as a whole.......long live humanity..........
If you were to be born again
painting the lovely images again...:)
You know, you don't have to die to be born again. I'm not talking in a religious sense but rather, what's stopping you from being all those things NOW????? Be born again!!!!!!!
Love your work! Please post more and more often!
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