
"watching those drops of rain"

As the misty dark cloud covered the night
little drizzle, like tear drops, tenderly
falling from the dark sky,
no sign of those yellow stars
no sign of silvery moon tonight,
probably hiding somewhere
for reasons unknown;
As I lay beneath this wood ,
watching those drops of rain,drops of tear
I remember those moments with you,
An eagerly awaited rendezevous
after some seven stars and seven moon
both speechless and shy, only
a smile, a precious smile from you
expressed everything on your side;
Sitting on a bench in that leafy green park
as the cloud gathered dark,
beneath the oak,beneath the pine
sharing a flowery umbrella
drizzling drop by drop
time passed by
flowing like the river
neither you nor could I freeze time forever;
As I lay beneath this wood tonight
watching those drops of rain,drops of tear
I remember those moments with you;
Sensing the pain of the dark sky tonight
watching those drops of rain,drops of tear
silence and only silence
we passed the night consoling each other.


"right to fight".......!!!!!!!

The crowd gathered outside defying law,
protesting, shouting slogans,
breaking barricades,demanding
their right, 'right to fight' .

"Fight"," fight", screaming
marching forward
closing down shutters
pelting stones
turning violent.

As another crowd marched forward
from the other side of the street
attacking each other
fighting to satisfy their 'soul'
satisfying their 'gods'.

The men in green charged
the defaulters,the protestors,
beating wildly,dispersing them
with the order of their masters
a chaos in sight
it went from dawn to dusk
until a little boy fell silent
with no names,no one around
revealing only innocence,
the crowd gathered around the cold body
trying to identify him, his religion ,
to satisfy their demoniac soul.....!

Is there an end to this madness ?
probably yes , probably no........

[ these thoughts were inspired from a true incident....which took place in Bangalore,India....when two groups of different religious communities fought each other in the name of religion.....in which an innnocent was shot dead......what was his fault....?is it that he belonged to some particular religion....when will this end........?????? CAN'T WE LIVE WITHOUT RELIGION.....!!!!!!!!!!!! ]